13 August 2005

Live from Charlotte

Yet another trade show post....

I arrived yesterday - it almost seems like a week ago. Somehow all the printing got done, the last model got framed, car troubles notwithstanding, and all the models fit into the new suitcase. Then the quandry of what other suitcases to take had to be solved. I actually took less luggage than I thought. The model suitcase held most of the trade show "stuph" plus a pillow for padding. The printer had to go into a carry on, so it was padded by clothing. That just left a small second item to check and the backpack for the laptop.

I was dropped off rather early at the airport because someone else had to go to work, but that meant I didn't need to rush through security (and the printer presented not problems), had time to get some breakfast, and still had time to stitch.

By the time I arrived in Charlotte, my stomach said it was lunchtime, but I still had to get to the hotel. The shuttle did arrive, but it was a sultry 10 minute wait outside where I was greeted by two North Carolina mosquitoes. Has West Nile made it this far north yet? Check into the room, then LUNCH!

Post-lunch, I am a normal human being again. I find the box that I shipped with my stands and proceed to deconstruct the front of the hotel room. Setup doesn't take too long, but the one thing that really lacks in these rooms is lighting. Therefore, I hookup with Jo for an interesting trip to Walmart (or "Walmark" as Kayla calls it) since we are both in search of lighting. Back to the hotel, and then Connie and I decide to search for dinner, since the hour is now late. Post-dinner and it is time to set up my new light. Flourescents are your friends - what a difference it makes. I'll figure out how to get it back to Houston later.

Then it is time to crash because the next day is the show.

Charlotte - day the second. (now in real time)

Wake up early, (blah too early for someone on central time), get some breakfast, then back to the room for some last minute arranging in the room. Lay out the catalogues with the new inserts - throw open the door and wait for the customers.

Ok, there's not a torrential flood, but we're working on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »

5:32 AM  

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