22 August 2005

We have normality

One week back from Charlotte and things are starting to settle back into what feels like normality. I think I have recouped most of the sleep I have lost, although visions of new designs are dancing in my head. I spent several nights not stitching at all (the horror) and instead did some basic house cleaning, unpacking and the like. DH got a double-batch of cupcakes to take to work to make up for me being gone on his birthday.

Of course, there were some crazy moments last week- picking up DH's car, then rushing back to the house to pick up the new models, then rushing to the LNS before it closed to show them to the owner. Going back to the gym Friday night (finally!), then coming home to get some final cleaning done before the in-laws drove in at midnight.

The weekend was busy with the in-laws visiting. It was fun, though. We went to see the Lord of the Rings exhibit at the Natural Science Museum - a must see since it would be closing next weekend. Very cool. The costumes and artifacts were fantastic. Then a double-dose of shopping Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. My feet are killing me!

Finally we had some quiet time last night. I got out a drawing I had worked on in Charlotte for a new design. It is coming along nicely and will be ready for charting soon. Tonight we'll have to work on a photography project so that the light table can be cleared off and I can transfer the drawing to graph paper. I also worked on a couple of other rough sketches while watching The Stepford Wives (a rather bizarre movie) and finally got some stitching in before calling it a night.


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