15 December 2005

Another one of those days...

I was dreaming as I slept that it was Saturday when I was rudely wakened by my husband's alarm clock. I wondered why it would go off on a Saturday when I slowly realized that it was Thursday and, yes, I would have to go to work.

The super cool find that I thought had solved the dilemma of my brother's Christmas gift turned out not to be in stock. Of course, it took nearly a week for the store to inform me of this, so I had to get the second slightly less nifty gift.

I did win three out of four games of Guillotine at lunch today (which made up for not winning any yesterday). Of course, we only had two players today. Two of our regular players had a bit of blow up a little over a week ago. Actually, one player had a blow-up at another and said he'd never have lunch with the other again, so I don't really know how this will all work out in the end. People have been missing the lunch group alot since then, but it is hard to know if that is because of the holidays or not. Only time will tell, I suppose.

The Making Christmas Project is coming along. Last night I finalized the address list for the Christmas cards and printed them out on the labels. Then, I worked on putting the cards together. Even with printed labels, this still took over two hours since I had to write little notes in each card and decide on a card for each person/family (and do things like keep cousins and aunts from getting the same card). They're all ready except for the stamps, but I won't be able to go to the post office until tomorrow, so the cards probably won't be mailed until Saturday. Only one week before Christmas, it is terrible, I know. Wrapping is mostly done. I'm still waiting for a few things to come in. I am not liking the online stores holiday shipping policy. They're not even trying to batch items together, so two books I ordered (at the same time) got shipped separately on two different days, but both packages arrived yesterday!

Here's a question for all the stitchers out there - how do you really feel about freebies? Love them? Just collect them? Indifferent? Tell me your thoughts.


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