22 November 2005

With Cat for Comforter

That is actually the title of a little book by Ray Bradbury, which I need to pull out and re-read. My cat, who is of the socially anti-social type, took very good care of me when I came home with a real bother of a migraine last night. Poor DH, who had to finish putting the last of the lights on our new tree, got barely a greeting, as I just got in from Target with a re-stocking of lights and went straight to bed. I rested there for an hour, then came out to the couch to be somewhat social. I got under the blanket, and the cat just decided that I needed some purr therapy. She curled up right next to me and purred away and became my comforter. We napped a bit as I tried to get through the migraine. DH also pampered me in between putting up lights - he made me a sandwich and brought me crackers as anything else made me nauseous. And so passed the evening, I with cat for comforter, and DH working hard on the Christmas tree. Hopefully tonight I will feel well enough to put the ornaments up!


Blogger Shannon said...

ooo, I hope you're feeling better ! It is amazing how cats just seem to know that you need some purring therapy. Nothing better to keep you feeling cozy than a cat at your side.

Must admit, I don't think I'd like A put the lights on the tree when I had a migraine. He's not known to be... overly polite when given that traditional duty each year. LOL

5:03 PM  

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