23 December 2005

Snowball fight!

Things a Southerner has learned about snowball fights:

1. Fabric gloves are not good for snowball fights - in general, they're not much good for snow activities at all.
2. Dry snow in the middle of winter is no good for snowballs.
3. Never throw a snowball at the guy with the expensive camera - the snow will always hit the camera
4. Never get into a snowball fight with anyone who pitches baseball at a collegiate level or above - they have really good aim (and throw really hard)

No snow here - blue skies and we'll come close to 70F. I don't know if I'll get much blogging in next week as I'll be taking some time to visit my folks and grandfolks while DH mans the fort. So I'll just preemptively say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Oh, and Happy Birthday to all of us late December folks!


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