24 April 2006

If he did the bike ride - why do I have the injuries?

DH participated in the BP MS 150 this weekend - that's a bike ride from Houston to Austin over the course of two days that includes some challenging hills for those of us who live in a flat city like Houston. I was doing what we call SAG support (Support And Gear). After seeing DH off from the starting line just after dawn on Saturday, I drove out to the overnight site, found a camping spot and proceeded to set up the tents - one for us, and one for his cousin who was also riding. Another friend joined me a couple of hours later to keep me company, so we set his tent up. Then it was off to the finish line to make sure we saw DH rolling in - which we did. He got washed up, then we all got some food and went back to the tents to chill out for a while (DH had just bicycled over 80 miles and we'd both been up since 4 in the morning!) Then he got a voicemail from his cousin that she was three miles out from the finish line, so we hurried over to try and catch her coming in. 45 minutes later, we hadn't seen her. I managed to raise her on the cell phone and she was already eating dinner! We went over to the dinner area and we saw that we'd seen her whole team come in, we just hadn't recognized her with the different jersey and helmet on! D'oh! Oh well, we grabbed dinner, and then the sun was starting to set so we went back to the tents to try and get some sleep because we knew we'd be up before dawn again. And we were - we got to sleep in until 5 am this time, but DH had to get to the starting line by 6am (when there are 13,000 riders, the starting line gets long early). After packing up the tents, I headed out to Austin and finally made it there by 11. There is something very mesmorizing about watching huge groups of bikers on the side of the road while you're driving by. All those bright jerseys, with the black shorts and the little legs flashing up and down - ok and I was running on very little sleep to begin with. The finish line in Austin was also mesmorizing! I think I saw a Discovery Channel Team member cross the line at 11:30! I finally found a shady spot to stand/sit and wait. DH had an awesome time and came in at 1:30 - even with doing the really hilly park. I saw him cross the finish line, then had to try and dash around to the end of the biker's funnel to where I could meet him - that's where I tripped and skinned up both knees and ripped a hole in my capris! So I'm the one who got the injury - plus the sunburn from standing at the finish lines (and yes, I did put on sun screen). After we met up and I got proper sympathy for my injuries and he got congratulations for doing such a good job, there was the usual routine of cleanup, bike stowage, waiting for cousin, her cleanup, bag retrieval, then getting home! Whew! We surived the bicycle experience one more year (well, mostly survived it!)


Blogger Terri said...

Ouchie! I am such a klutz sometimes so you have my sympathies. Hope you feel better soon.

10:29 PM  

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