24 February 2006

Bad Combination

Duly noted: grilled cheese and french fries was a bad choice for dinner and my stomach punished me for it. Luckily I recovered in time to watch the women's figure skating wrap up with the long program. I'm going to blame the Olympics for keeping me from getting anything really productive done this week - just when I think I'll take a break from watching it and get up to do something, they'll start a new, interesting event, or start up a series that's not interrupted by commercials, or I'll notice that it is somehow 10:30 at night (how did that happen?). Somehow, I managed to be minorly productive last night and address envelopes for catalogues.

I also managed to get the website updated (yay!). Both the newsletter and the gallery pages have been updated with the new designs. I must say, as much as I like drawing and detailing the big dragons, the little dragons (the ornaments and the freebie designs) just seem to have their own character. It is funny how they seem to live in such a small design space - and believe me, it is not easy getting a dragon squished into a 50x50 grid!

Anyway, plans for this weekend include clearing up the chaos that is the design room. Then hopefully, playing with paper and pencil for some new design ideas that are germinating. Of course, there's always the business side to take work on, somebody has to do it, and I don't think I can talk the cat into doing the work!


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