02 March 2006

Who let March in?

Could somebody press rewind, please? I'd like about five more days back. Life is just too busy around here. First there's work life - that's just generally busy, although there are some extra things going on there for complication. Second there's cross-stitch business life - wrapping up Nashville orders, getting the website updated, getting reorders out (yay), sending catalogues out, not to mention trying to get data entry done so I can do my taxes (yikes) and registering for the next big tradeshow (should I mention how long I've been meaning to put a stamp on that envelope?). Then there's cross-stitch design life - some stitching, some doodling, some ideas noodling in the brain, some sketching on paper that really needs to get done. Then there's real life - laundry, feeding the cat, buying the groceries, feeding the husband, changing the oil in the car, keeping the lawn looking decent - and I don't even have kids! Somehow it all has to get done in the 24 hours of a day - oh, and I get pretty cranky when I don't get 8 hours of sleep. :) So we prioritize around here and loose a few days occasionally, then play catchup, which is what I think I'll be doing this weekend. Oh, and planting some flowers before spring entirely passes me by. Hopefully, I'll get the camera out while my tulips are all blooming right now and post a picture soon!


Blogger Shannon said...

I"d suggest moving to Ontario - no lawn to tend to or garden to plant for another few months... but it's replaced by constant snow shovelling :)

Sounds like you are busy busy busy ! Hopefully you do get some time to stitch and design though. You know, from a selfish point of view here ;)

8:03 AM  

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