03 May 2006

What is a season?

There's nothing like travelling due north (or in some cases, South) to lead you to wonder what makes a season. Here in Texas, we are enjoying late Spring (although the calendar may say otherwise) burgeoning on the edge of summer. This past weekend, I travelled to Detroit and it was like stepping back 8-10 weeks in time since they are experiencing what would be our early spring. All of the early spring flowers were blooming - the tulips, the Bradford Pears, the pansies. The days were in the 60's and the evenings were definitely chilly! Here's a comparision:

These are my tulips; I planted them on MLK day and they bloomed about 3 weeks later (early February):

Here we are visiting a park in Canada on April 27 (note the tulips in the background):

So what season is it? Almost summer or just early spring? Looks like it depends upon your latitude. All I know is that I'm looking forward to going to the pool pretty soon!

Stitching news: Almost recovered from the Needlework Show. Still have a few packages to mail out - those should go out this week. That's the problem with having a major bicycle event and a family wedding scheduled in and around a tradeshow! Also, I'm trying to work out two more designs that I hope I can quickly stitch up before June - who wants to place bets on how many I get done. For one I have some really fun ideas on combining cross-stitch with scrapbooking elements. Now, I'm trying to get focused on TNNA in Indianapolis, so lots to do and plan. Somehow I survived the month of April, though, so that is a major accomplishment! This week is double stitch-nights, and I missed the stitch-ins last month due to a nasty stomach bug, so I'm really looking forward to it!

Better run, got some xxx's to make!


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