06 September 2006

On Labor Day, we labor

Not that kind of labor - the move furniture around the house, clean rooms down to the kitty-cat dust-balls, rearrange the house kind of labor. This was our second annual Labor Day house-cleaning, rearranging fun fest, and since we're Aggies, that makes it a Tradition (note the capital T). My arms and legs still hurt. We'd somewhat recently received a large number of books from DFIL, and while they were doing okay in the garage, it wasn't the optimal place to store them, primarily because it is hard to read books that are in boxes in a garage, but also because it tends to be an invitation for book worms (or the equivalent) to take up residence. So the books needed a home inside the house. Which means room had to be made for them. So some rearranging was done. I think it was less than last year's rearranging, but we still have bookshelves to get.

As a side note, the craft room/my office was not touched and is still a complete disaster area. Another project for another day. But not tonight - tonight it is stitch night at the LNS (tomorrow night it is stitch night at the other LNS). I will finally get some stitching done. I may start on blue thing #3, which will be a non-embellished version of blue thing #1. I'll also finish picking some fun fibers for a model to send out to a stitcher. We're officially 5 weeks away from the online Needlework show (and maybe some cooler weather). Time to get cracking on those Nashville designs!

How did it get to be September?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know how it got to be September too! My back aches thinking of all the work you did! A little stitching will make it all better! Michelle-ozark crafter

6:31 PM  

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