13 January 2006

At least one thing was accomplished..

Another model was pinned. And I barely had enough pins, so I need to add pins to the shopping list. So what didn't get done? I didn't test out the hardanger for the other model, I didn't start to take down the Christmas stuff, I didn't mail my brother's Christmas gifts, I didn't sort laundy, and I'm sure there were a million other household things I could've done. I did, however, go to the gym, have my dinner, and commune with the cat, so some important things did get done.

The gym has been an interesting experience since the New Year. DH and I joined back in April. I'm a go two-three times a week kind of person, if my schedule allows, do the treadmill for 30-40 minutes. Lately I've started adding weights and more stretching. I went Sunday afternoon and it was nice, but Tuesday night, wow, I could barely find a parking spot! This is apparently what a New Year's resolution looks like.

I have a confession to make. I have borrowed "24" on DVD from DBIL and become totally addicted to it. I've never watched a TV show on DVD before, but I think 24 may be the worst one to watch this way because every episode is a cliffhanger and to-be-continued into the next episode. And it so easy to click over and watch one more - with no commercials! I'm probably going to hate the commercials when the new season starts this weekend. Second season of 24 marathon this weekend before the new season starts! Actually, I'm watching these because DH and I hadn't watched any of 24 before last year, and they seem to have a tendency to bring back characters from previous seasons. So last year, a new character shows up who's being called "Mr. President" when there's already a president in the show, and we're both totally confused. We had to call DBIL and find out that he was the previous president - oh! That explains it! Maybe I'll just record it all on the DVR and watch it on another night to cut out the commercials. :)

I'm trying to finalize plans for Nashville. If I can get the stretched models framed this weekend (or tonight), I may be able to photograph them and start on the pattern masters. Paper needs to be bought and printing needs to start. I'm contemplating a couple of cover changes on some of the old patterns, and a bag change overall. Anyway, we'll see what really gets done. :)


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