21 September 2005

Water, water everywhere

Rita watch day 3: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/tracking/at200518_model.html

Looks like Rita is heading our way. We've stocked up on non-perishible items, made sure we have batteries. Gassed up the car (luckily I did that early, the lines last night were crazy). The stores were crazy last night; I'm glad DH dragged me out shopping, since I had planned to do it tonight. We were also lucky that I had picked up a few things Monday because they were completely out of bread, the chips were decimated, the canned goods were minimal. What I'm missing, though is water. Last night we went to the Walmart, a Kroger, a Target, and a CVS - all of them were out of water in cases. This morning, I stopped in at another CVS, back in at the Walmart (where I waited around for 15 minutes on the rumor that they were going to restock the water supply), tried Home Depot, and no luck. Lunch time was a water quest with a co-worker. We tried Costco - which had Propel and Perier, but not much else, then back to Target, where I stocked up on a few more snacks. My friend had decided that she didn't want to go through the storm, so she kindly sold me her stock of water that she had already gotten (some months earlier). The ironic thing is that I was low on canned goods because not two weeks ago, I gave all my canned goods in a drive to replinish Houston food pantries which were low because of Katrina!

We're also taking in Rita evacuees - two friends of ours are coming up from the Clear Lake area, with their dogs, so we'll see how the dogs and the cat get along. They're on the edge of the Category 4 mandatory evacuation area, but it is close. Also, apparently once you're out, you're not allowed back for a while.

In other news, my good friend may have had her baby or may be about to have her baby. Why am I unsure? Because I learned this by getting an out-of-office bounce back from her when I sent her an email about the impending hurricane!


Blogger Shannon said...

Hard to believe you'd have to go to that many places in search of a little simple H2O, isn't it ? I'd send you some, but something tells me it wouldn't get there from Ontario in time ;)

Stay safe, stay dry !

7:08 AM  

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