18 July 2006

Jury Duty and Migraines

I had put it off long enough, twice in fact, so it was finally time to go and do my public duty. Although the county has this handy-dandy website that lets you reschedule your jury duty if it does fall on an inconvienent day, you only get to do that twice. I got to the jury room in plenty of time, and settled in with my latest obession, knitting (a post on that later). An hour later, they started calling jury pools, and I was in the first one. Lucky number 42 of 65. Roll call and then they troop us all down to the criminal courthouse. I managed to cause a bit of a stir at the security station with my knitting needles and the scissors I had forgotten were in my stitching bag, but the nice security guy decided my scissors were too small to cause any damage, so they didn't have to hold them for me. Then up to the 16th floor and more waiting. Finally we go into the courtroom. The last time I had jury duty we never went into the courtroom - the person plead out while we were standing in the hallway. Anyway, we sit in the benches in order so the lawyers can know what number we are. The judge talks to us for about 45 minutes and asks a few questions of the panel like, "Does anyone think a policeman is always right, or has anyone ever had a problem with a policeman?" and "Would anyone hold it against someone if they didn't testify in their own defense" Then each set of lawyers talked for a while and asked their own set of questions. The only time I raised my hand was when they asked if anyone was related to a police officer. I thought for sure I was going to be picked because a bunch of people had raised their hands to other questions. About halfway through, I started to get a headache and feel bad. I knew this wouldn't end well. Luckily they didn't pick me - I guess they didn't like something basic on my form or that I was related to a police officer. Unfortunately, now I had a migraine hitting in full force. How to get from downtown Houston back home? The only way was to drive and drive fast! Luckily the traffic wasn't too bad yet. I made it home, barely. The couch was the only place for me the rest of the evening.

Tonight we watch the Tour de France go to L'Alpe d'Huez. I've been avoiding hearing the results all day, so it should be exciting!


Blogger Jinger said...

I know what you mean!!! Is there anything worse than driving with a migraine?!!!! You just hope you make it home without killing someone in the process!

1:09 PM  

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